Maha Mondays: Distressing colleagues & financial (love) concerns

heart-moneyAt Elle Beaver, a writer doesn’t know what to do when asked to team up another time: “You will have to be frank and by that, I mean telling her only a half of your truth. Because you can’t tell her the whole truth which is: “LOL, OMG. You are exhausting and demanding and you give me enough anxiety that I had to write to an advice columnist to get some direction. And did I mention? Hanging out with you is exactly how I imagine Hell feels like. HA HA! 🙂 “

At Chai Latte Diaries, I’m asked if it matters the education and earning potential of a potential husband: “But Houston, we have a problem the *moment* you start asking for more. Which is precisely the underlying notion of wondering if you can one day quit your job and STILL maintain your lifestyle. Because if you quit your job as a singleton, you would not expect to maintain your current lifestyle. Which leads itself directly to the rational conclusion that – in marriage too – you can not possibly expect to maintain the same standard of living if you go from two incomes to one, whilst (possibly) throwing in a third human baby into the mix of expenses.”

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