The Starter Trip

I am sat at the airport enjoying the Christmas decorations and though it’s not yet December 1st, I am very good with this because I love Christmas and all of its accoutrements. If anyone’s at YOW, go ’round the Christmas tree and look for me; I’m the loser nearly in the water trying to find a perfectly round ornament for a great angle.

I promised myself one post a day. So here’s today – I will only share with you three portions of it: first, that when I woke up, the left side of my bottom lip was in an actual tremor. Thanks, stress! What an asshole.

Second, momma drove me to the airport (because I have been staying at momma’s these last near two months, such is my distress and inability to be alone), and I felt an obligation to apologize for my light “being out”. Thanks, sadness and grief. You too, are an asshole.

Third and last. When I was checking in at the Air Canada counter, I was crying. A lot. And the lovely, gracious woman kept telling me that if I wanted to NOT travel, all I needed to do was tell her and she would pull my luggage. On top of which, she put in front of me a box of tissue and when I grabbed for one, she said ‘Take the box!’

God. It is He in the details, truly. Thank you N.

Tonight, I am grateful for:
1. That I am eating Pringles.
2. That White boys married to my beloveds are not ‘White Men’, but rather ‘Off-White’.
3. The sense of humour of my beloveds when I call their partners: ‘Off-White.’

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