I can’t say it enough; Lebanon is a beautiful and breathtaking country and tonight I’ll be graced with it’s last sunset. I quickly learned that the best way to wrap up my day and unwrap my evening was to wave a little goodbye to the sun.
Heading out to Larnaca tomorrow and on to Dubai the following day, it’s been sad and a little difficult for me to find it in my heart to leave. I don’t want to walk away from the people, the environment, everything and anything which brought me and kept me here with a smile on my face and a full heart.
My two favourite pictures from this trip are the first sunset I met in Lebanon:
& this moment captured was one of the happiest I had while Beirut served as a mistress; on this particular day, my emotions had run the spectrum available to them and as you should be able to see on my face, I was happiest when the photo was taken. With me are Thunder, an Arabian race horse, and its rider Ahmed:
I’ll also leave you with my favourite poem, penned by Gibran Kahlil Gibran, one of the greatest poets to grace us, born in Bsharri, North Lebanon…
The Playground of Life XIX
One hour devoted to the pursuit of Beauty
And Love is worth a full century of glory
Given by the frightened weak to the strong.
From that hour comes man’s Truth; and
During that century Truth sleeps between
The restless arms of disturbing dreams.
In that hour the soul sees for herself
The Natural Law, and for that century she
Imprisons herself behind the law of man;
And she is shackled with irons of oppression.
That hour was the inspiration of the Songs
Of Solomon, an that century was the blind
Power which destroyed the temple of Baalbek.
That hour was the birth of the Sermon on the
Mount, and that century wrecked the castles of
Palmyra and the Tower of Babylon.
That hour was the Hegira of Mohammed and that
Century forgot Allah, Golgotha, and Sinai.
One hour devoted to mourning and lamenting the
Stolen equality of the weak is nobler than a
Century filled with greed and usurpation.
It is at that hour when the heart is
Purified by flaming sorrow and
Illuminated by the torch of Love.
And in that century, desires for Truth
Are buried in the bosom of the earth.
That hour is the root which must flourish.
That hour of meditation, the hour of
Prayer, and the hour of a new era of good.
And that century is a life of Nero spent
On self-investment taken solely from
Earthly substance.
This is life.
Portrayed on the stage for ages;
Recorded earthly for centuries;
Lived in strangeness for years;
Sung as a hymn for days;
Exalted but for an hour, but the
Hour is treasured by Eternity as a jewel.
To those of you who have sent hundreds of emails, thank you for your kind words and prayers and encouragement (& occasional ‘what the fuck are you thinking?’). I wasn’t thinking; I had the opportunity to help with an evacuation and so I did. Which is the way it should be. You’re all in a special folder and I promise to respond to each and every one of you individually. Thank you. Love you. Owe you.
Anonymous said…
I cannot express how proud I am of you and how much I admire what you have accomplished. I have known you for many years and due to an abundance of personal experience – I know you are great in a crisis, you are a skilled caregiver. I can’t imagine how much comfort and kindness you gave the people you spoke to. As a fellow human, I am very grateful that you were there in their time of need.
BTW – you look super hot in the pic with the horse. Doing good and looking good doing it – that is our girl!
Baby J
Tue Aug 22, 03:22:00 PM
Anonymous said…
Amen to that, Baby J.
I found you through rabble and I will come to Lebanon if it’s women looking like you that will evacuate me. I’ve bookmarked you.
Stephane in Montreal
Wed Aug 23, 11:30:00 AM
Anonymous said…
and I should also say that your writing is exceptional and I like the poem you’ve chosen. I’m not here only because you’re pretty. But I wouldn’t stick around this long if you weren’t so pretty.
Stephane in Montreal
Wed Aug 23, 11:31:00 AM
Anonymous said…
maha your photo is very pretty, why were you emotional that day weer there bmobings?
Sun Aug 27, 04:22:00 PM
Tommy of The Gays said…
How the fuck is it possible that you’re emotional and still look that good? Are you the kind of person who cries and two seconds later you can’t tell? You are aren’t you?
I want to be a girl like you.
Tommy of The Gays, loving the poem
Wed Aug 30, 08:03:00 AM
just a girl said…
Baby J- I don’t even know how to respond to your comment. Me? A skilled care giver? If I recall…you were the one telling me that “[I’ll} be okay, [you’re] a life guard…” lol! God how I miss that you’re no longer living here. And how retarded is it that we’ve not seen one another in a year? This is stupid…I’m coming to T-Dot soon. I have to.
I honestly don’t know what else to say to you, other than thank you & I love you, Janey.
Stephane- Thank you for coming by, thanks for thinking me pretty. But honestly: I’m a lot prettier in photos than in real life. I’m photogenic and have contemplated blowing up a photo of my face and taping it on…
I hope you keep coming back!
& I love that rabble made me their blog of the week.
They’re awesome!
T- I was emotional for a lot of reasons that day, but I was okay at the end of it all. It was a strange, intimate, terrifying, weird, twillighty experience that I had, and one for which I will be eternally grateful.
Tommy- I’m happy you liked the poem! It’s beautiful, and my heart breaks every time I read it.
Erm. Yeah. Usually, within 5 minutes, you can’t tell that I’ve been crying. I don’t know why, but it helps when I’ve been forced to run into a bathroom, cry myself silly and come back out to a room full of people, pretending nothing’s wrong.
Being a girl is AWESOME!
Sun Sep 10, 06:02:00 PM