You must please read Vanity Fair’s The Gaza Bombshell.
It is a lengthy article and so I recommend you print it up and then read it when you are in the proper state of mind.
You must please read Vanity Fair’s The Gaza Bombshell.
It is a lengthy article and so I recommend you print it up and then read it when you are in the proper state of mind.
Anonymous said…
I read the Vanity Fair article – that thing’s made CRAZY headlines. Heads should fucking roll because of it.
The American government never seems to fucking learn, do they? They just don’t fucking get that their intervention only makes matters worse for the regular American in the long run.
Wasn’t it Malcolm that said something about the chickens coming home to roost? This is the sort of the shit that causes that!!! IT FUCKING SICKENS ME that they think they can play with people’s lives and get away wiyth it.
I am already part of Not In Our Name.
I like the way you seem to put a little bit of everything on your blog, Maha. You’re a rocking star and I hope your family is safe in Gaza. -lily
TUE MAR 11, 02:21:00 PM
Anonymous said…
There was a talk radio show about this article just two days ago. I don’t know why this sort of American government behavior is surprising, when you consider that these tactics are exactly what America has always done.
I am curious as to what will happen to Dahlan now that this has been made so public.
TUE MAR 11, 02:50:00 PM
Maria Calvo said…
Holy shit. What the fuck’s wrong with the Bush administration? DON’T ANSWER THAT!
Thanks for posting this.
TUE MAR 11, 03:44:00 PM
Haya said…
This article is still causing a lot of trouble for the White House, as it should.
I’m happy to see it here, and inshallah 2ahlik are safe Maha.
WED MAR 12, 08:19:00 PM