How are you?
My father and uncle received the letter (photographed here) from Rogers Cable Inc., detailing your special offers specific to the Muslim celebration of Eid.
I don’t have cable and I currently use Bell for both my mobile as well as internet services. But guess what, Phil? Because your company is amongst the first to respectfully acknowledge that there is a demographic of creatures called Muslims – who celebrate rather than explode – you have just gained a new customer (that’s me, Phil).
Also, it is exceptionally cool of your communications team for having properly included both “Eid Mubarak” as well as the crescent moon (which is – to those who do not know – the symbol of Islam).
With thanks, and looking forward to eventually buying a rogers product,
P.S. To those of you interested, please find Rogers’ official press release here.
P.S. to the P.S. Here is the Rogers site.
Blogger yasmine said…
i really like that bit about how ‘Rogers brings a happy glow to Eid celebrations.’
and i really love the bit about Muslims who ‘celebrate rather than explode.’ ha!
thanks for letting us know about this, Maha! of course it’s all marketing, but it’s about TIME Muslims got marketed to. i LOVE seeing advertising that acknowledges me — in ways other than references about my potential to ‘explode’ or be repressed — so this brings me warm, fuzzy feelings.
Wed Sep 16, 02:35:00 PM
Anonymous lily said…
Holy shit this is awesome! I’m telling everyone about this. -lily
Wed Sep 16, 11:36:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
Hi, I am Fiona from New Mexico. I found you by googling Tell me about ramadan. You were the third hit you must be pretty popular! I read other explanations but your is the clearest and kind of fun to read so I am sending it to friends.
I was surprised to read about your faith. It is a lot more open than I used to believe. You don’t look like a Muslim person! I don’t mean that in a bad way I just mean I have an image and it is nice that my image is wrong because it wasn’t such a nice image to begin with I guess.
I will read your faith category and learn more. Thank you for your help. You are easy to read and fun to read also.
Thu Sep 17, 03:16:00 PM
Anonymous A, yo! said…
I am happy to finally see this demographic paid attention to.
Rogers has also gained another customer in me and everyone in my family because of this initiative. I pretty much spam-emailed your link to every Muslim and non-Muslim I know, asking them to share the info!
Thanks, Maha.
Thu Sep 17, 03:20:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
Fiona.. Welcome to this special place!
Muslims, like Americans, come in all shapes and sizes.
Like Americans, some are white others are black, chinese or any combination.
Like Americans, some are blondes with blue eyes, others are brunettes with brown eyes.
Like Americans, some are extremely highly educated, others are totally undeducated.
Like Americans, some are filty rich and others are dirt poor.
Like Americans, some are deeply religious, others do not not practice.
Like Americans, some defend human rights, others abuse them.
Like Americans, some advocate vehemently for peace and dialogue, others kill ruthlessly.
Like Americans, some are good, others are evil.
Like Americans, Muslims are human beings.
Thank you for acknowledging that the stereotype you had was, after all, a stereotype.
Thu Sep 17, 03:33:00 PM
Blogger one female canuck said…
Yasmine – That’s it – it’s about finally being recognised as a demographic worthy of attention. Finally – like, fk, we’ve been here long enough and it’s so annoying when the only faith matters are either Jewish or Christian or Buddhist (all of which we love and respect) but COME ON.
Anyway. Hurrah for Phil Hartling and Rogers. Double Hurrah.
Fiona – Thanks for your comment and of course, you are always welcome to poke around, read and email and ask Qs or comment.
Thanks for your awesome response. Beautiful.
YO, Ahmed – Good to know and I hope you did share 🙂
Sat Oct 17, 05:18:00 PM
They’re only acknowledging this because it might make them money. If they could get you any other way that was cheaper than doing lots of expensive data mining and merging/purging external data, they would. If they knew my cat was a brown female American Shorthair and could use them to make them money, they’d send my cat targeted mail. 🙂