Friendships taken for…not enough

We talk about it regularly, with relationships, but not enough in terms of friendships. Unusual this, as more often than not, relationships tend to be fleeting whereas one hopes that friendships aren’t so.

Friends to me are family. I have no brothers or sisters and so place a great deal of weight and worth on people I cherish and love. I am there for them at the drop of a hat, making time and finding energy even when I would rather curl into bed and not speak to anyone. If there’s one thing any one of my friends will tell you it’s that I am fiercely devoted and loyal to what exists between us. When I love someone, there is no end to it.

Sadly, on a few recent and different occasions, I’ve had to ask myself if I give too much of myself away to people. I don’t have an answer; maybe because the question hurts so much to ask and I can’t get past the asking. The mere posing of the question paper-cuts me and to even write this out has made me hurt because I feel a fool to ask it.

I’m not sure when giving too much of ourselves starts to happen, and I have only once before thought it was possible to do, and the result of that was pure poison.

The disappointing reality is that imbalance occurs and it may be most brutal in this realm.

I don’t reign myself in emotionally; when I feel something, I don’t snuff it or shy away from it, but instead open myself up to it and let it run me as this is one of the defining characteristics of who I am. This is the case with everything in my life, including friendships. That I have felt nothing but a slow shutting down of this recently makes too much of me ache, and the reality is that because of the ache, it may very well be the first time I have ever thought the following: the only thing I’m interested in doing is shrugging, saying f*ck it, and walking away.

Life is far too long to choose allowing such as ache into our lives.

Beautiful painting by Ginny Lee.