Proper climbing, you should be flat against the wall, much like a leech, using your legs to push up and your arms merely to locate and hold on to the strategic power spots you intend to reach.
Unfortunately, I chose to climb first time ever with ass out and in a hysterical panic. I used my arms to pull myself up, as my knees locked and with my pale face pressed firmly to the climbing wall. The entire scoot upwards, I contemplated my imminent death in a plastic diaper (*harness).
At one point, both my legs may have been at 90 degrees from the rest of me, while I still jutted my ass outwards.
I mean, it was terrible.
Proper descent, you should lean back and assume a seated position. As your spotter lets the rope ‘out’ you must descend by slowly pushing yourself (bouncing gently) off the wall.
In the interest of comedy, I descended much like the way I ascended. Instead of assuming the seated position, I full throttled the starched starfish, thereby forcing my spotter to bring me down as though I were on a fishing rod. Because I was so scared, I kept bumping into the wall on my way down. With my face.
Happy weekend!
A not-so-funny version originally posted on: 06/03/24.
Image courtesy of Winthrop.
Blogger Uzi said…
“ass out and panicked”
classic line..
Fri Mar 24, 05:09:00 PM
Blogger Ella the Spy said…
“The Starched Starfish Position.”
I am sure there are *practical* uses for this. It seems meditative & helpful for increasing flexibility.
But on the wall, I’ll bet it looked a little silly.
*hugs you tight*
Fri Mar 24, 06:54:00 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
Its awseome that you are so okay with making yousrelf looking like a complete fool.
You’re asweome!
Fri Mar 24, 09:44:00 PM
Blogger just a girl said…
Uzi — Feel free to print that on a t-shirt, so long as the back of your t-shirt reads
Espy — I could have definitely used a hug that day. Definitely! Especially while coming down and bumping my face (repeatedly)…and the wall couldn’t have been clean. Ugh!
T — LOL! Well…I guess I’ve never thought of it as “making [myself] looking like a complete fool”. LOL! Thanks for the honesty, darlin’…And it’s a pleasure.
your blogmum,
Wed Mar 29, 11:45:00 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said…
HA HA! Sorry about that Maha. I just maent that ist cool you don’t mind lettnig us laugh at your mistakes.
HAH! You’re really funny.
Wed Mar 29, 03:20:00 PM