Maha Mondays: A woman asks what’s wrong with me; a man asks what’s wrong with women…

confused-guyAt Chai Latte Diaries, one women is struggling to find the purpose of her life while in tandem emotionally self-cutting: “From my extensive scientific research (through my Facebook Timeline), I can confirm that not one of the mothers I know thinks she’s doing a good enough job. I think if you thought that you were doing a brilliant job of things and were leaving no room for improvement then Houston, we have a problem. The fact that you are a present mother who has a strong concern and commitment to leading her daughters by example tells me that you are on the best track possible. I believe in you from that statement alone, so please believe in yourself Momma and always recall that Heaven is at your feet.”

A dude over at Elle Beaver goes on two dates and asks us what’s wrong with women. Seriously, this happened. Here’s my reigned in response. (Also worth noting is that he has a crush on me): “All you have done is gingerly placed your toes into the water, discovered that the water is a little cold and you’re suddenly “What’s wrong with women”ing yourself. Take a deep breath and take a step back. It will happen when the time is right and when you meet the right woman. Until then, keep batting. If you look over your right shoulder, I too am doing the same thing, as often as possible until I hit a home run. So basically, you are not alone.”