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Day 30: And the coloured girls ask Why The Face?(1)

I have received an unusual amount of messages from you, Readers, enquiring about the aforementioned “Maha’s Six Week Hot Yoga Challenge“. You are seeking both the how, and more sincerely…

Well done, University of Michigan

A protest against the IDF soliders visiting the campus to share their fibbing. Dig it. Comments closed.

Hot Yoga is Making Me Delirious

Dear Warrior Pose, F*#? YOU, you are a raging psychopath. Flipping you the bird and hoping you topple, M Dear Pigeon Pose, You are the worst named pose in the…

A Character Clown Named ‘Namaste’

Note: Thanks to you all for the emails. Sorry I have not written back – I haven’t had much energy. I have been in a funk of late and have…

Spreading Love In Place of Hatred

9 / 11 has become Burn A Qur’an Day. On that same day, and while folks are committing this act, I will be posting instead a message about interfaith dialogue,…

Islam / America

Dear Keith Olbermann – Will you marry me? Comments closed.

Bad enough your generation will not have the hard-earned bump on their middle finger…

Dear Kids These Days – It appears that mAny Of yOu RandOmlY capitaLize LeTteRs when you write shit. At first I thought it was perhaps a secret code, and so…

Singing with Baba

As previously ascertained, baba thinks he procured a complete lunatic in me. I have not done anything to dissuade him of this particular perspective as I don’t see it at…

Friendships taken for…not enough

We talk about it regularly, with relationships, but not enough in terms of friendships. Unusual this, as more often than not, relationships tend to be fleeting whereas one hopes that…

They actually *pop* beneath your feet

This City was buried beneath singing birds and cool breezes this morning. I was having an 80s dance party and drinking my morning coffee, when my dream dawned on me….

Red Light Hooker

  That’s the mac light which Baby Jane brought as a gift for my Treehouse. It now sits in my bedroom window and I have decided that I shall use…

The Shut-Off Valve

I just sent my friend Yusuf the following bit of advice: Just remember that making a new potential partner pay for someone else’s asshatery hurts both you and the new one. …

A word of caution to some men

On behalf of a very large group of women who are too shy to express the following, please note that the root of this entry is a conversation with a…

Elvis Costello is the biggest badass in the industry

In support of the Divestment campaign, Costello cancels his two scheduled concerts in Israel. Read his full statement here and share the information, as you see fit. If you support…

Beirut 2010

The last time I was in Beirut was in 2006 while helping with the evacuation of Canadian civilians. That experience was, to say the least, mind-blowing on too many levels….

Dear London Town

Note: The below was written on March 20th, while I was in London. My writing will slow for the next while as I will be up in the air (sadly,…

Greetings from Rome

Dear Vatican – I am doing this on the fly and so please forgive my quickness and really shit grammar and spelling; also, I am a Muslimah – and God…

Three wee videos from the Vancouver Winter Olympics

Leaving for Rome & London tomorrow and I promise stories while there; thank you for the well wishes re travels…xox Video no1 – Kitty took this while we were on…

Greetings from the Vancouver Winter Olympics 2010

Blogging on the fly; pardon all shit error and spelling. Jumped off my flight and landed at Elixir for dinner, with these two gorgeous broads. Not surprisingly, we were asked…

Friday Night Lights Surprise: Austin Lisa, Goddess

This is the final entry about this just last trip to Austin. I have written about Lisa before – a wonder of a woman who, from the moment we met,…

Dear Taylor Kitsch Wearing Saxx Underwear

Hi! It’s been a while, and that’s because I was away in Costa Rica where no one wears plaid, and so I really missed you. It’s kind of official now,…

Snow Blowers vs. Shovel

I did it. With the help of a very lovely neighbour named MING, who may or may not capitalise all letters in his name, which rhymes with KING. The instructions…

First snowfall

“Serene” “Lovely” “Blissful” “Peaceful” “Calm” These are only a few of the words used by folks when discussing the first snowfall of the year. For instance, today I was speaking…

Dear Dr. Aalya

I love you very much and am proud of you beyond words or measure. I have printed Bordering on Fear: A Comparative Literary Study of Horror Fiction, your 399 page…

Belated Eid Mubarak (& a screw you, Muslims, Swiss style)

Welcome to Switzerland circa 1532, where racism and ignorance reign supreme. I am so happy that we have come so far in our understanding and intelligence. Degenerate fkn a**holes each…

Longhorns defense take a snooze and then experience an Intifadah

This is the third and final post to part 1: Longhorns crush Denver & a Canuck learns the secret handshake & remains clueless re Football, unless associated with Taylor Kitsch…

Hias from Malibu

My camera battery died, shortly before we began our drive along California’s Highway 1, and so this is the only video from our California Roadtripping. In fact, the entire photo…

Roadtripping through California

Hi all – Quickie to let you know I will be absent and completely off-line until Thursday November 12. Emails and berry pings will go unread until then. Have a…

Update. Point.

Remember this entry about The Black T-Shirt? My coaches read it and consequently reconsidered their ‘athletes only’ stipulation for the (perfect shade of) black tee. Since, they have created a…

Friday Night Lights season 4 premiere

Dear Friday Night Lights Writer – here are a few berry messenger notes between Baby Jane and I while watching the season 4 premiere of FNL. Take from the following…

Peace Negotiations at the Doctor’s Office

I am writing this on the berry directly into Blogger, so please pardon the spelling errors and grammar flubs. I am here for an annual check-up and it seems that…

Part 2: Americans throw the pig’s skin around and HI! COACH ERIC TAYLOR!

This is part two to Longhorns crush Denver & a Canuck learns the secret handshake & remains clueless re Football, unless associated with Taylor Kitsch & COACH ERIC TAYLOR. **********…

Geeking Out in Advance of Coach Eric Taylor & Taylor Kitsch

Dear Friday Night Lights Writers, I understand that you are removing Matthew Saracen from Dillon. So help me God if you asshats kill off Granmaw Saracen. That is all. Maha…

Friday Night Lights – Season 4 premieres in five days

Go East Dillon! Are you watching yet? Also, download Revelry by Kings of Leon. This song, like Friday Night Lights, breaks my heart every time. It’s also one of the…

Na.OH.Mi standing beneath a hupa

So. Naomi and I have known one another since university – she was completing her undergraduate and I my M.A. and we both lived at the graduate pub on campus…

Treasures & Treats of Austin (day 2.0 to 3.5 without the 2.5)

Last I was in Austin, I had decided to purchase a piece of local art that I would keep forever and ever, and as an ode to the fact that…

A Canadian In Austin (the other .5 of day 1)

Apparently, the wiggling index fingers by the temples is not the Longhorns secret handshake. I won’t share with you what the actual secret handshake is because it is unimaginative and…

Back in Austin (.5 of day 1)

I’m typing this while seated at Austin’s best coffee ‘house’ – which is, in fact, more like an open air wooden wanna-be-bar. Really, Jo’s looks as though it has the…

Animated short from Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

From the amazing activist and (anti-Zioniost Jewish) Yoni Goodman, please watch this 1 minute and 35 second animated short. Share if you think it is worthy of dissemination. Comments closer.