Wednesday, November 28, 2007

I Recommend

that during this coming holiday season, and among the varied books you read, you take some time to walk carefully through Reza Aslan's No god but God; The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam.

It's in this month that millions of Muslims will make their way to Mecca for the pilgrimage. Take a moment to think about them and the world they are entering. Try and understand why they are about to take such a difficult journey, where they stand as Muslims and where the future generations of Muslims may stand.

You may be misunderstanding your environment, believing that this has nothing to do with you, when the reality is the pilgrimage - in exactly the same way Christmas and Hanukah affect and touch us all - is a part of you in some way or another. Look at it, see how that is, peek over the slightly high walls and learn a little more about that side of you that you've never before examined. You may be surprised by what you find...

Your mind has a natural inclination for turning toward knowledge; consider feeding it something new this month.

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