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Tag Archives: interfaith

Maha Monday: On Muslim women dating non-Muslim men

A very unpopular subject this week about an often silenced conversation r- Muslim women being involved with non-Muslim men. We all know the ruling, but I focused on our freedom…

The Stand-Up Guy Part 2

For those who have lived here long enough, you remember him from the original post of 2008, because – oddly – I receive references about ‘the stand-up guy’ regularly from…

Spreading Love In Place of Hatred

9 / 11 has become Burn A Qur’an Day. On that same day, and while folks are committing this act, I will be posting instead a message about interfaith dialogue,…

Day no.2, Ramadan

“…and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, “We are Christians”: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have…

Interfaith Fast to End the Occupation of Iraq

Someone’s just posted this to my comments section. I’m pulling it up to the front because I think it’s an excellent initiative and I don’t want it to go unnoticed….