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Tag Archives: Austin Lisa

Friday Night Lights Surprise: Austin Lisa, Goddess

This is the final entry about this just last trip to Austin. I have written about Lisa before – a wonder of a woman who, from the moment we met,…

Part 2: Americans throw the pig’s skin around and HI! COACH ERIC TAYLOR!

This is part two to Longhorns crush Denver & a Canuck learns the secret handshake & remains clueless re Football, unless associated with Taylor Kitsch & COACH ERIC TAYLOR. **********…

Geeking Out in Advance of Coach Eric Taylor & Taylor Kitsch

Dear Friday Night Lights Writers, I understand that you are removing Matthew Saracen from Dillon. So help me God if you asshats kill off Granmaw Saracen. That is all. Maha…

Treasures & Treats of Austin (day 2.0 to 3.5 without the 2.5)

Last I was in Austin, I had decided to purchase a piece of local art that I would keep forever and ever, and as an ode to the fact that…

A Canadian In Austin (the other .5 of day 1)

Apparently, the wiggling index fingers by the temples is not the Longhorns secret handshake. I won’t share with you what the actual secret handshake is because it is unimaginative and…

Back in Austin (.5 of day 1)

I’m typing this while seated at Austin’s best coffee ‘house’ – which is, in fact, more like an open air wooden wanna-be-bar. Really, Jo’s looks as though it has the…

More Folks from Austin

Lisa & Mike – a fantastic couple who have been together for 9 years, married for nearly 5. Their wee dog’s name is Diego – Mike’s originally from Memphis and…