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Category Archives: The Covid Chronicles

The Ramadan Challenge

Ramadan is (likely set) to start on Thursday, inshAllah. These past few weeks have taught us that nothing is in our control but our intentions (not outcomes), and our actions…

Day 34 of Staying the Fuck Home

I actually really dig it. I hope that you’re all staying safe and sound, inshAllah, and gearing up for Ramadan ♥️ Comments closed.

The 21st Day of The Covid Chronicles

It’s day 21 of physical distancing for me. I have only been out to collect groceries, pharmaceuticals, and to tend to my mother’s home. Like on Tuesday, the electrician arrived…

The List-Maker

A friend sent me the most poignant quote (thank you, J): “…everything we do before a pandemic seems like an overreaction, and everything after seems like drastic under reaction.” What…

The Hand Washing

I’m trying to write a long-form piece a month, either at the beginning of or end of said month. I think that because I’m having enough fun with Instagram stories,…