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Category Archives: Mindful Living

Lesson #10: Balance is not just for Libras

“Once I have seen your face I shut my eyes to others.” – Rumi David last year told me that I, unlike any other individual she knows, has a sense…

Lesson #6 – #9: Don’t be a weirdo sovereign, and don’t confuse your bona fide with a therapist

Preamble: A has been in a healthy relationship for years. A loving, kind, generous, sexy, healthy relationship with an amazing man; if I am going to take advice from anyone,…

Lesson #1: Don’t stand next to their pile of sh/t unless…

Since a little girl, I have never been capable of looking at a situation and not trying to undo it, in order that I might understand its machinations. Unlike those…

Respecting one another, bridging the gap

There is a very strange inclination in the human situation; we default to exclusivity. Building bridges, mending gaps, shortening distances between ourselves is not an act most of us perform…

#366photos mission accomplished

370 days ago, I was sitting at Planet Coffee when I decided to start my little project. Randomly, I had heard of others starting such things but became anxious at…

Know-It-All: “She ripped my heart out of my nose”

Hey Prolific Immigrant, My best friend told me to write this because she reads you. She’s sitting next to me and wants me to start this by saying “she ripped…

Sustenance and the highest degrees of purification

Marasmus is a condition by which babies will die if they are not touched. If you feed them, and keep them clean and sheltered, and fill a bank account in…

On Suspicion

This article is being written on October 15, but I am scheduling it for publication post my return from California for two reasons: (1) I have a sense that I…

California, she reminded me

Already mentioned, this trip to California was planned some time back, but turned out, in the present, to be perfectly timed. At home, I have been challenged in the most…

Secret Loves

I remember being in University and keeping my then boyfriend a Secret Love. I now know that I was doing it because I wasn’t interested in him in the way…

Hartman’s on Bank Street in Ottawa is an asshole

Update July 2013: Please note a few days back, I found the girl and I gave her some peaches. Recently, I noticed that there are now (lovely and kind) homeless…

Balancing on Thor’s Hammer

Many of you have written in about Perspective is (almost) everything, sharing your stories about when you have been incapable of shifting to the left or to the right, backward…

Ya Fattah, Ya Salaam

For a variety of reasons, some rooted within my messy relationship with baba during my teenage years, others rooted in painfully challenging situations with men, I often struggled with trust….

On Regret

Short sundresses, broken straps, shit-kickers, unbuttoned shirts over moistened-with-humidity skin, and swamp lands. This is the imagery with which I am left every evening when I listen to the platinum…

“An Encounter With Simone Weil”

“Charity. To love human beings in so far as they are nothing. That is to love them as God does.” “A hurtful act is the transference to others of the…

You will get yours sooner or later. Trust.

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends. Amidst these individuals was a girl whom we shall call “Maha.” On a sunny Saturday morning, Maha left for a…

Rules for Living: A Life As Precious Cargo

The most important lesson I took from 2011, and which I have taken from every single year past is that life really and truly is precious cargo. I am not…

“Why are you single?”

Is one of my favourite questions to field. When was the last time this question was put to a man? Think about that for second… Right. That’s what I thought….


Sometimes, I would really like to say: “I un-friended you because your ego-driven behaviour is so very unfriendly. I un-friended you because 9 out of 10 times, I believe you’re…

Ottawa Hospital Volunteer: It’s not like Grey’s Anatomy

Editorial Note: The following views have nothing at all to do with either the official staff or volunteers of The Ottawa Hospital, but rather are entirely One Female Canuck’s. Because…

Hospitals make me sad, which explains why I will be volunteering there

Editorial Note: The following views have nothing at all to do with either the official staff or volunteers of The Ottawa Hospital, but rather are entirely One Female Canuck’s. Because…

Day 1 of 365 days of “inspirational” photos

Updated 8 Dec 2011: I will not be posting the photos on Prolific Immigrant, but rather here at my flickr page. For quick access, I have added a link on…

In The Hands of God (by Mustafa Davis)

In The Hands of God from Mustafa Davis on Vimeo. At a time when y’all are preppin’ to throw down some cash in the name of Baby Jesus (♥ +…

Ode to chilling out and not asking “Why?!”

Recently, BB (as always) gave me excellent advice. Basically, it was for me to chill the fk out and stop asking “Why?” because it is an utterly useless question to…

Killing Us Softly

Do you love women? Do you respect women? Are you against sexualized violence? Abuse? Hate? Manufactured realities? Profit over people? Then you need to watch the following riveting two part…

Are you a belly-up turtle?

Due to certain circumstance, I have – in the last perhaps month – been having bouts of complete and total rage. Wicked anger the likes of which I have never…

Forgiving who does not offer an apology

Over the years, I have watched a metamorphisis of those who do not forgive; they are hardened, they are incapable of trust, they are ever licking their wounds because their…

Boxing; God’s Grace in Movement

I box twice a week and do my absolute best to make every single class. Short of there being a natural disaster like a flat tire or exhaustion from the…


I was at a stop light watching a child who couldn’t have been older than four years old. She was holding on to her father’s hand and hanging, legs and…

On Being A Mean Girl

 I have been working on developing my World View (WV) and doing my best to make it coherent both in my head and to those I love, and naturally, to…

When friends hold our hearts

Recently, Dee (a reader) was generous enough to share her experience with me, asking how I know. How do I know when someone will be a good friend? How do I know to…

Rules for healthy + better living

I originally wrote the following on Dec 6, 2006. They still hold true today, and I am reminding myself of them as much as I am reminding you of them….

Perspective is (almost) everything

As hard as I tried, I never saw beyond the squiggles of an austereogram and for a while was convinced — like a die-hard conspiracy theorist — that no one…

There is always time for politeness

To those of you who have dropped ‘thank you’ from your vocabulary, you are best to pay attention. We don’t have to hold the door open for you, or the elevator, or…

Fertilizing 2011 with the transformative 2010

2010 has been an amazing, exciting and hope filled year for me, and from many of your emails, for most of you as well. Sadly, and no matter how much…

Day 30: And the coloured girls ask Why The Face?(1)

I have received an unusual amount of messages from you, Readers, enquiring about the aforementioned “Maha’s Six Week Hot Yoga Challenge“. You are seeking both the how, and more sincerely…