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Category Archives: Mindful Relationships


I need to tell you, right now This may in fact be a psychosis, not sure yet. If something happens, I really do need to tell you because Sharing Is…

“Talk doesn’t cook rice”

One of the best (Chinese) proverbs ever, perhaps. Yesterday, my girlfriend and I were talking about boys (not to be confused with the male species as defined here). She mentioned…

Nutmeg Might Crack That Crazy Girl

Honest to God there are days I feel like I am punching myself in the face. Absolutely stupid morning, which started with my drinking the wrong of two lattes (I…

Christmas trees adrift…

The early years after my parents fell out of love with one another and divorced, I didn’t much act out against my mother. One way I did act out is…

Sexual Chemistry and Marty

I am writing a follow-up to Defining ‘Sexual Chemistry’, and so sending you there to read in advance. GODSPEED. Comments closed.

The Monzer Hammer (where there are no second chances)

Let me tell you about that amazing and heart-warming moment between my baba and I when he, well intentioned, took my crushed heart and hammered it like he was on…

Colouring between the lines

Colouring between the lines. It’s never really been my strong suit, emotionally. I am a Libra born under a Scorpio something (moon or sun, I don’t exactly know). Any Reader…

Know-It-All: Evil Step Mothers

Editorial Note: I have witnessed first-hand step-mums who have done their best and tried their hardest and plowed through to the best of their ability and strength…only to be met…

There’s a rumor it’s raining men, so I burnt my umbrellas

For most of my life, I understood the level at which I should expect to be treated by those in my life, and could demand it in return because I…

Happy Valentine’s Day

Hia! Valentine’s Day alone? Yes, please! As a Singleton, I am really excited about other peoples relationships, while I hang out with my mum, and same sex non romantic girlfriend….

“Why are you single?”

Is one of my favourite questions to field. When was the last time this question was put to a man? Think about that for second… Right. That’s what I thought….

Relationship advice for men + women who hate one another

I was recently going through a friend’s bookshelf and among a deeply disturbing volume of this genre’s nonsense, I stumbled upon: Why Men Marry Bitches: A woman’s guide to winning…

Perfect mornings are drenched in rain

Several years back, Alisa & Ryan were married at Lake Placid. Baby Jane and I stayed at the Trail Head’s Inn in the Bigelow Room, then owned and run by a young couple…

The day I hid in a bush. Seriously.

 I loved him ferociously.  Else, I would have never stood inside of a thorny bush to spy on him.  Maybe I would have done this and thought it normal if…

Four rules for heartbreak

No one can break your heart. That’s my starting point and it’s the only honest point of self empowerment. No one breaks our hearts, but rather, we allow our hearts…

The bottom line doesn’t make him a d.ck

Every time you speak, he will tell you how happy he is that you called; he’ll tell you how great it is to hear your voice; he’ll tell you he’s sorry he’s…

Quote of this day

The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing How blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere They’re in each other all along….

A Janeism

“So I ate a fish eye. I have been out of the dating loop for so long that I thought doing that might get his attention. It didn’t work.” Comments…

Of Hunnam (a.k.a. What makes a man sexy?)

I recently purchased for the first time ever, Men’s Fitness magazine. Coincidentally, this was the cover: If you have been reading me long enough, you know I have two types:…

From Paris, with (much) Love

Dear Readers, I frequent too many a café while traveling. Once more, I write to you from a coffee shop, only this time I am in Paris on a street…

The Shut-Off Valve

I just sent my friend Yusuf the following bit of advice: Just remember that making a new potential partner pay for someone else’s asshatery hurts both you and the new one. …

A word of caution to some men

On behalf of a very large group of women who are too shy to express the following, please note that the root of this entry is a conversation with a…

Dear Taylor Kitsch Wearing Saxx Underwear

Hi! It’s been a while, and that’s because I was away in Costa Rica where no one wears plaid, and so I really missed you. It’s kind of official now,…

Austin Wrap-Up

Austin 2000 In 2000, Natasha and I visited Austin and had an absolutely fantastic time, even though Natasha was nearly killed by a taxi. We were students and on an…

A Love Letter to Baby Jane

You are all quite familiar with Janey. This is her wearing the scarf I knit and sent her way two weeks back – it is ‘The Johnny Scarf’, J not…

Beautiful Rain

I am on the softest and thickest bed buried beneath and inside of warm white sheets. Three walls are pale orange. One wall is a window. There is only one…

Not speaking in either the past unreal conditional or the future unreal conditional (as present tense is best)

The following is a conversation I had with a friend on Facebook; I have deleted her name for reasons of privacy. To facilitate your reading of this, please note that…

Final Notes on NYC

.1. Because when I think of Unions, it seems a propos that NYC come to mind. .2. Stare at one spot on the tracks; as soon as there’s movement in…

NYC this day (10 things to note, +1)

Please Note: I am typing directly into blogger. The following is likely filled with grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. Please forgive…I am exhausted. xo .1. Breakfast was a cob salad…

I once wrote: ‘I believe in love, actually’

I still do; perhaps more so now than ever before. (Please befriend a leprechaun and shed the weight of your bitterness on your way out…)

The Stand-Up Guy

His name is Daemon (Scott) Fairless, and he recently married Lyana, a beautiful and brilliant gynaecologist (as Scott says: “It’s nice to have a shared interest”). Scott was the first…

Dispatch no3: Toronto Engages in Love & Fertility (because we can’t on our own)

It was my Baby Jane’s special 30th birthday last September (for which I have yet to send her a gift, but I’m now thinking I won’t send it and will…

A home is not be built on the table of an architect

Two couples I know recently purchased their first homes together. Aalya & Dietrich in old Gatineau and Katie & Michael off of Pretoria Bridge in Ottawa. Visiting their homes has…

Self Reflection: Beirut’s fingerprints

I’ve begun writing the Wrap Up on Beirut and I realize I’m not ready to do it just yet. It’s really too heavy for me to deal with at the…

Libra girl / Scorpio boy Compatibility

As mentioned earlier, I’ll blog a month-by-month Libra girl / (insert that month’s sign) boy compatibility. My first blog entry in this weirdness was Libra / Libra compatibility. What follows…