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Geeking Out in Advance of Coach Eric Taylor & Taylor Kitsch

Dear Friday Night Lights Writers, I understand that you are removing Matthew Saracen from Dillon. So help me God if you asshats kill off Granmaw Saracen. That is all. Maha…

Friday Night Lights – Season 4 premieres in five days

Go East Dillon! Are you watching yet? Also, download Revelry by Kings of Leon. This song, like Friday Night Lights, breaks my heart every time. It’s also one of the…

Na.OH.Mi standing beneath a hupa

So. Naomi and I have known one another since university – she was completing her undergraduate and I my M.A. and we both lived at the graduate pub on campus…

Treasures & Treats of Austin (day 2.0 to 3.5 without the 2.5)

Last I was in Austin, I had decided to purchase a piece of local art that I would keep forever and ever, and as an ode to the fact that…

A Canadian In Austin (the other .5 of day 1)

Apparently, the wiggling index fingers by the temples is not the Longhorns secret handshake. I won’t share with you what the actual secret handshake is because it is unimaginative and…

Back in Austin (.5 of day 1)

I’m typing this while seated at Austin’s best coffee ‘house’ – which is, in fact, more like an open air wooden wanna-be-bar. Really, Jo’s looks as though it has the…

Animated short from Gisha: Legal Center for Freedom of Movement

From the amazing activist and (anti-Zioniost Jewish) Yoni Goodman, please watch this 1 minute and 35 second animated short. Share if you think it is worthy of dissemination. Comments closer.

$15 Billion annually from US tax $$ to Israeli citizens (understanding the Zionist power lobby in the USA)

The video that was originally posted on YouTube has mysteriously disappeared. You can, instead, find it here. Watch & share. As Americans, you need to understand that while you are…

‘Twas the night before Ramadan

And all through the house, not a something-something was stirring, not even a mouse. Then, Maha decided to go downstairs. Ensuing conversation: “What was all that noise…?” “I fell.” “Oh…

Friday Night Lights & the UT Longhorns (Happy Birthday to me)

Are you watching this show yet? Are you watching Friday Night lights yet? Why not? What could you possibly be doing that hasn’t allowed you to watch this show just…

Dear Taylor Kitsch (& Readers & Dan Cone)

Dear Taylor Kitsch, From you, I have never once hid the fact that I am a cheating slut, nor that I would dump your exceptionally and perfectly curved bottom, in…

Dear Phil Hartling (at Rogers Cable Inc.):

Hi! How are you? My father and uncle received the letter (photographed here) from Rogers Cable Inc., detailing your special offers specific to the Muslim celebration of Eid. I don’t…

Zero. Fkn. Patience.

I went back to CrackBook well over a year ago. Since that time, they’ve changed their fkn layout like they’re piecing together a god damn jigsaw puzzle. Watch the bastards…

Spiritual Fatigue

Usually, Ramadan is a more-heightened-than-normal-life experience. Last year was the first year I had an exceptional Ramadan. I woke up every morning before sunrise and had a small bite to…

Carnivàle Lune Bleue

I wish to travel with the carnivàle, any carnivàle. Only, unfortunately, I’m not talented, so this is not at all a possibility. Instead, I can live vicariously through trips to…

Day no.2, Ramadan

“…and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, “We are Christians”: because amongst these are men devoted to learning and men who have…

On the 1st day of Ramadan

O ye who believe! Stand out firmly for God, as witnesses to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others to you make you swerve to wrong and depart…

Ramadan Kareem

May this month bring you much peace into your hearts and much self reflection, and may all of your prayers be accepted. (And during this month of humility, please take…

North Africa in August

Below was originally posted on 6/29/09. I will be offline until back in the country – have a good little while, both fun and safe…xo I keep forgetting to mention…

Kyle Chandler, Connie Britton & Taylor Kitsch: Friday Night Lights (again)

Are you watching Friday Night Lights yet? I have forced 7 friends to start watching Friday Night Lights – all but one are in love and in obsessive watching mode….


Good morning everyone – It feels as though I have to do this more and more often as of late… I was away again the past few days and got…

A Little Politix

Charles and I met while in Beirut, and have maintained contact since. For those of you in the know re Middle East correspondence, he is one of the heavy-weights. Urge…

The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine

If you never read another political book in your life, then please and for the love of all things righteous and humane, please please please read Ilan Pappe’s The Ethnic…

Friday Night Lights

I don’t have cable and tend to only watch television shows the DVDs of which my friends pass along. Since perhaps 4 years ago, I have not found anything worthwhile,…

UN’s Richard Falk: IDF seizure of Gaza-bound ship ‘criminal’

Please take a moment to read this. From the article: “Richard Falk [who is an expert on international law], an American Jew and the United Nations special rapporteur on human…

Two Texans and a Californian walk into a bar…

…and just kill it with their guitars. Download: Guitar Shorty‘s We the People. Alejandro Escovedo‘s Real Animal. Download in their entirety. Trust.

Austin Wrap-Up

Austin 2000 In 2000, Natasha and I visited Austin and had an absolutely fantastic time, even though Natasha was nearly killed by a taxi. We were students and on an…

Hello from VanCity

(Note: Austin wrap-up still to come.) This trip to Vancouver becomes increasingly interesting with each second. At the same time which Baby Jane moved out to Halifax, Felice moved in…

What & Where to Eat in Austin

Note: You will not finish any portion served up unless you’re from Texas; it’s not a joke that everything in Texas is bigger. I don’t understand how it is that…

More Folks from Austin

Lisa & Mike – a fantastic couple who have been together for 9 years, married for nearly 5. Their wee dog’s name is Diego – Mike’s originally from Memphis and…

Them Folks I’ve Met in Austin (Nelson Algren had nothin’ on this girl)

So far, anyway, here are the people who have livened up my stay in Austin… Shawn, Irish ex-pat working at The Driskill bar – Has a general disliking of his…

In Austin y’all

Hello – 24 hours in Austin have been crazy and wonderful. I don’t have much time for internet-ing so here’s the rundown thus far: .1. Austin men are thoroughbreds. .2….

Obama denying access to photos

More pictures — many more — of US soldiers torturing human beings. Obama’s decided not to allow publication of the images, stating that the decision was because he felt that…

On Aggressive Apathy

Based on my recent blog entry titled Not Lives of Girls and Women, I was asked to write about apathy. It’s a little more philosophical than most rabble pieces, so…

A Love Letter to Baby Jane

You are all quite familiar with Janey. This is her wearing the scarf I knit and sent her way two weeks back – it is ‘The Johnny Scarf’, J not…

I <3 Ben Harper

It’s been some time since I’ve done this, and I’ve not yet tagged all older groove recs, which I’ll eventually get around to doing. For now, you should know what’s…