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Maz Jobrani, Ahmed Ahmed & Dean Obeidallah

Three names from The Axis of Evil comics (missing was Aron Kader who I think is a bona fide Fox); three men that mama and I watched last night from…

Groundhogs don’t vibrate

I used to think groundhogs were cuddly and cute, until this past weekend when I started battling mama’s groundhog. Actually, he’s not my mother’s and I’m not quite certain it’s…

"Obliterate" Iran?

Thanks for this, Hillary: “Clinton told ABC News: “I want the Iranians to know that if I’m the president, we will attack Iran. ‘In the next 10 years, during which…

100 acres of land

Is one of the properties my (father’s) family owns in Gaza. On this land were thousands of orange, grapefruit, lemon, olive & valencia trees. We’ve owned this land for generations…

All pictures from our Middle East trip in December past…

Finally! Find all thirteen sets here… Comments here are closed.

Jesus (pbuh) is Caucasian?

I look forward to the day when the sighting of “Jesus” is the sighting not of the European white male version of him (which, I believe is version 2.7), but…

A special note to Baby Jane

Love you. Miss you. Thinking of you, always. & ready to open a can of Texan-style whup-ass on your behalf, if requested. Or just bake you a cake. Or braid…


Except for the occasional political one, I rarely recommend films on this blog. But if you are free tonight, this Thursday evening, tomorrow or Saturday and live in Ottawa, then…

Babies are collapsible as well as spring-loaded

Please say hello to my niece Sophia: Whose papa called me a few hours after the above photo was taken on March 8th, 2008, to leave me the following message:…

I once wrote: ‘I believe in love, actually’

I still do; perhaps more so now than ever before. (Please befriend a leprechaun and shed the weight of your bitterness on your way out…)

The Stand-Up Guy

His name is Daemon (Scott) Fairless, and he recently married Lyana, a beautiful and brilliant gynaecologist (as Scott says: “It’s nice to have a shared interest”). Scott was the first…

The Gaza Bombshell

You must please read Vanity Fair’s The Gaza Bombshell. It is a lengthy article and so I recommend you print it up and then read it when you are in…

The Feminine Napkin Aisle: Friend or Foe?

Once a month, I turn into a buffoon for an approximate 48 hours. I don’t get mad, sad, angry or edgy, but rather clumsy and lacking all hand-eye coordination. I…


This is where you will find the most comprehensive information about what is happening in Gaza. Bookmark it. All over the world there are demonstrations and vigils being organised. Look…

Dispatch no4: Plants & Animals at The Drake

Most of you have heard of The Drake, yes? It’s one of the most infamous places at which to be seen and to see in Toronto. It’s there that Baby…

On Palestine

An educational two sites sent my way (thank you!). First is the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign, and second is Israel’s 60th Birthday blog that has an excellent Jews-in-solidarity-with-Palestinians blog roll…

The Gift

I was in the middle of a party, eyes dressed accordingly in kohl and mascara and carrying myself around with some level of dignity until I was handed a gift….

Dispatch no3: Toronto Engages in Love & Fertility (because we can’t on our own)

It was my Baby Jane’s special 30th birthday last September (for which I have yet to send her a gift, but I’m now thinking I won’t send it and will…

Quote Unquote

“I sometimes react to making a mistake as if I have betrayed myself. My fear of making a mistake seems to be based on the hidden assumption that I am…

The Axis of Evil (Comedy Tour)

This is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen…because we all know that it’s a rare day when an Arab (and specifically) a Muslim gets to be funny. What…

Bending Over The Line

Being at Bikram Yoga once a weekend allows me to focus my energy and my mind. It forces me to be still and really pull everything together for a minimum…

One Female Canuck With A Broom!

I am having difficulty expressing my extreme excitement re CURLING!. Luckily, I am capable of sitting long enough to write my first review of this fabulous sporting activity. Check back…

Yaznotjaz Hauls It to Ottawa

You all know her as the crazy wonderful woman who lives here and peppers our conversations with ROCKSTARs and HIGHFIVEs: Yasmine, Yasmina, Yaznotjaz. (The table in this photo is a…

Conversations with little girls

This is Deema, my baby cousin aged 12. Last night, we had the following conversation that very nearly made me pee in my pants… Deema: Maha, I need to ask…

Eid Mubarak

I’ve finished my trip to Oman where I saw for the first time ever wild dolphins. They move in the most beautiful symmetry…and I will post videos soon enough, Inshallah….

Dispatch no 1: The Red Sea

Hi & sorry for not writing sooner! I’ve discovered that I suck at writing while on holiday… Long story short, the longer of which I will eventually write about (within the coming…

My 1st Baby Step to Collecting

Caballo Every evening, I walk past the Jason Duval Sussex Studio, and covet the work of a particular artist by the name of Marcelo Suaznabar. The ingredients of his work…

Dispatch no 2, Toronto: The Arrival

“Look outside, pretty lady! I*m standing directly across from no 8 price street! :)” To which, in response, Baby Jane flew out of no 8 Price Street’s doors and ran…

Dispatch no 1, Toronto: Nerd

Seated across from me on the airplane, I knew I recognized him but I couldn’t quite place from which television show. Because…it’s difficult to name That Canadian Actor under the…

Visits with Baby Jane

Baby Jane was giving me ‘directions’ as thus: “Go South – that means down the hill, towards a clock tower, Maha – blablabla” because she knows that directions confuse me…

The perfect weekend

…filled with a lot of coffee, many bagels & cream cheese, Indian cuisine, Thai cuisine, seven movies, late night conversations and late day sleep-ins. My friend’s new apartment is gorgeous…

‘Glam’ Shots (aka ‘If a Moroccan prostitute & a Russian prostitute had a child)

I chose Moroccan and Russian, because they are the crème de la crème and if I am to emulate any hooker, it would be a combination of the two. My…

Greetings from my best friend’s back yard

Where I am looking at these two precious things: Nora May & Trenty (who when I pointed my phone at him gave me this face) We’re about to have dinner…

Dietrich and Aalya

They did it! They did it! They did it! (With only the knowledge of their families.) Alf mabrook!

Exploding chestnuts, flowers & cars

.1. My mouth attracts disaster. A few evenings ago, I roasted chestnuts. I was so tired and in my own head that I didn’t make the cuts in the chestnuts…

Quote of this day

It’s possible I am pushing through solid rock in flintlike layers, as the ore lies, alone; I am such a long way in I see no way through, and no…

‘Marvin Under Glass’

This is my contribution to the world of hilariously pretentious art: Marvin Under Glass. (I am certain Marvin’s great great grandfather served as the muse to Kafka.) I am quite…

Update On Maher Arar

“…our Government (USA) did not admit it was a mistake, but it is worse than a mistake because our Government seems to continue to claim the authority to snatch someone…